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The Pervert

Fap fap fap… Handcuffs (spiked), chains, stockings, feet, toenail clipings… whatever you can think of, someone in the great big mass counsciousness of humanity has already thought of it first, […]

thanthos |

The Occult Underground of the homeless

If you want to know the truth, talk to the children… Read it. It’s old, but there’s tones of things in there that fit right in with Unknown Armies. […]

InfinityWpi |


(AKA Spindoctors, Weavers) Because it’s not what you say that matters, but how you say it that does… Before you realised that you could do it, you already were doing […]

thanthos |

The Queen of Heaven

The truth behind the death of Princess Diana There are a lot of conspiracy theories about the death of Princess Diana. The CIA had her killed, because she protested the […]

Bruce |

The brick counter

A strange device made by a man losing his head. No, I don’t know how much that thing’s worth. I just need some cash, it’s yours for 100 bucks. My […]

Greg Pogorzelski |

a fun little theory on Stigmata

It all seems to trace back to a small Iberian Cathar heretical cult and some guy with a bit too much time on his hands… Alight, so there is this […]

Chris |

Everyone’s Got It

We’ve really been underestimating the number of adepts in the world Everyone has got it. Every Joe-schmoe and Jane-lane is reaping and sowing juice. They suck it up from mags, […]

The Tim |

JFK’s Brians and the Texas lottery

An urban legend that is just steps away from making some stupid schmo rich… all you gotta do is play the numbers. You ever tried that thing with Dark Side […]

Chris |

The Real Reason For The War

You want dead souls, condensed into liquid form? I can’t believe nobody’s mentioned this yet. Oil isn’t just plant matter… there’s dinos and other ancient animals in there, too. All […]

InfinityWpi |