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Assassin’s Bane

Ye know, popping’ some one with style is a matter of honor. We’re contract killers, assassins, sicarios, and proud but of it, but nothing’s more feared than the incident called […]

Tim Struck |

The Tetris Method

… and Pac-Man eats another charge… You remember Castle Wolfstein, one of first-person shooters that really pioneered the genre? Or maybe Doom, its successor, and the many spin-offs that came […]

thanthos |


(AKA Buffs, Fanboys/Fangirls) Because we believe in people, and grant them power… There is power in celebrity fame. Not just monetary worth and reputation, but real, true, tangible power. It […]

thanthos |

A Shakespearean Dream

You think Shakespear made all that bullshit up? Right now, see, there was this here duke that once found a copy of the real A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Man, that […]

thanthos |


(AKA Clamomancers, Mourners, Crybabies) Tears: the universal language, and you speak it more fluently than anyone else. They used to call you a crybaby in school, and some still call […]

thanthos |


(AKA Networkers, Hackers) She is the past, present and future all in one, unforgiving and harsh… She is the Internet, the living goddess. The people outside, they laughed at you: […]

thanthos |

Voodoo is back in New Orleans.

Marie LeVeau, The Voodoo Queen isn’t haunting her grave anymore… Rumor is that nobody is seeing the ghost of the Voodoo Queen at her grave site in St. Louis Cemetary […]

Trent Redfield |

Street Gang Dictatorship

Demagogues and Executioners on the streets of New Orleans There’s a war brewing in the criminal underground of New Orleans that has spilled into the Occult Underground. In a city […]

Trent Redfield |

Flying Women in Space

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space. Funny that her call sign name was “Seagull”. On June 16th, 1963 the russian spacecraft Vostok 6 lifted of from Baikonur spaceport, […]

Tim Struck |

The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension

A source for rumors & weirdness The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension hosts a number of truly bizarre webpages. In particular I’d recommend This page since it sparked a nifty little plot complication […]

Greykev |