Nothing makes Artifacts like a tragedy witnessed… When the shuttle Columbia broke up on February 1st 2003, pieces of the craft and its crew were scattered like rain from heaven […]
Wield the gun, rule the world. Ballistomancers harness the threat of violence, the desire to be alpha male or to obey an alpha male, and the sexy blued steel of […]
Relativomancer (AKA Speedfreaks)
The world spins with you as you feel motion course through every fibre in your body. You can just reach out and stop it, if you wanted to. The world […]
The Harsh Provider
Hello daddy… Attributes: The Harsh Provider (or the Unforgiving Parent) is a dominator: he runs his household with a firm and often iron-fisted hand that both whips and feeds. He […]
Wetwork News
No wonder why CNN turns us all into media junkies. “Ever notice why your television is constantly tuned to CNN, it’s more than just news that is going on. The […]
Lethe-al weapon
I thought it was a bad joke. Then my seeker ritual went batshit… So you’re interested in the scythe, eh? No, I don’t know where it came from. I showed […]
As told by Steve McMannon in the Hallowed Ground bar, Pine Vault, England I dont know exactly whats going on but belive me guy, get ready for a shit-storm in […]
Its like highlander all over again.
Somebody is out there charging up swords that make people kill each other. Some crazy bastard out there is charging up a bunch of swords and selling them out randomly. […]
New Inquisition File #9844834-B: Journal, black leather
Confiscated from interrogation subject Daryl St. Jacques, 8/30/01, Boston, MA, USA. Subject was a photojournalist and suspected Sleeper agent. August 26, 2001 11:00 am Kim called today. Sleeper business. Same […]
Bruno Maxwell, Homeless Mystic
Among all the homeless drunks in Boston, one of them has discovered the power inherent in his condition. When you’ve hit bottom and lost everything, you have two choices: start […]