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Underground TV

A Vidiots personal Reality TV show I don’t know his name, but he’s been on the scene for a while now, TV is his mojo so he’s probably some overweight […]


Reality is all in the mind. George Orwell said it best. “If you think I float, and I think I float, then I float.” You understand this, that true power […]

C.P. |

Pack of Lies

Smoke gets in your eyes, and mind, and soul….. Note to the reader: This idea functions just as well as a Rumour if you so desire, but I figured a […]

Wiretrippa |

The Organization Man

“Sing men, sing men, Once then twice then sing again, For the ever onward IBM!” – IBM Fight Song The corporation is a collective soul. You have always known it, […]

Advocatus |

This week’s rumors

Update from the Front Lines of the Occult Wars Millions toil in sweatshops, work to pay off credit cards, or for sub-standard wages, or for any number of reasons they […]

InfinityWpi |

Intacto: Earn a Free Entropomancy Charge

Learned about this ritual first hand. The hard way. With the arrival of Intacto, the Brazilian Entropomancer movie, there now exists the opportunity for non-Adepts and followers of other schools […]

sewyrn |

Crystals…Bloody Crystals

We all know that they’re nonsense, but would you want one in your house? Crystals…a load of bollocks, as you well know. Cute, but no real power, and a total […]

Moloch |