The Will is Quicker than the Eye Legerdomancy (Aka: Skeptics, Copperfields, Hennings, etc) Gothfae John Cant was a Sleeper, well, he still may be a Sleeper but no one […]
Gun Kata of the Tetragamatron Cleric
Channel your inner sociopath… for a while… After seeing the movie Equilibrium, John Preston was so impressed with the martial arts invented for the movie (gun-kata… think kung-fu with pistols) […]
Ticket to Ride (London Version)
Want to skip the wait for late running tubes, get synchronicity to take your where you need to be, or just loose the Duke who’ trailing you? Simple, just buy […]
Montreal’s Finest
Mechanomancer’s That Is! Three Montreal clockworkers I knew recently left the game.. One caught a bullet, another turned up dead of heart failure atop Mount Royal, and the last was […]
Underground TV
A Vidiots personal Reality TV show I don’t know his name, but he’s been on the scene for a while now, TV is his mojo so he’s probably some overweight […]
UA Novel Collaborative Project
The new site of the UA Novel Project work
Reality is all in the mind. George Orwell said it best. “If you think I float, and I think I float, then I float.” You understand this, that true power […]
Pack of Lies
Smoke gets in your eyes, and mind, and soul….. Note to the reader: This idea functions just as well as a Rumour if you so desire, but I figured a […]
The Ancient and Veritable Oriental Martial Art of Feng Shui
In Ten Easy Lessons, I can Make You A Master! The following advert appeared, spontaneously, in Good Housekeeping and Soldier Of Fortune: The ANCIENT and Veritable Oriental Martial Art of […]
The Organization Man
“Sing men, sing men, Once then twice then sing again, For the ever onward IBM!” – IBM Fight Song The corporation is a collective soul. You have always known it, […]