No matter what the event is there is always a white van seen leaving the area… Power: Minor Cost: 4 minor charges Effect: To disappear in plain sight. In any […]
Stubbed Toe
Nothing hurts like a stubbed toe. Power: Minor Charge: 2 Minor Effect: The next person who decides to chase you will dance in pain as his toe will bang off […]
Brain Food
Every wondered what happened to Kennedy’s Brain? There’s this fellow who lives by the library. He’s a hermit but he carries around a jar. Inside the jar is what looks […]
The real Arthur?
The Once-and-Future-King has returned to Seattle There is a new leader among the homeless of Seattle. He calls himself Arthur, King Arthur, Arthur the True, The Once-and-Future-and-Forever King. Something strange […]
The New Inquistion — European Branch
TNI is working it’s way into Europe, starting with Venice Recently there have been sightings of men and women in yellow rain coats and white surgical masks infilitrating the occult […]
The Room of Liberated Secrets
How do you renounce a life of denial? The House of Renunciation can help. THE ROOM OF LIBERATED SECRETS by Doug Billingsly Facing the truth of any situation is hard. […]
Bizarre News Bits
Bizarre News Bits from CNN’s “Offbeat News”. CNN’s Offbeat News files. A collection of some of the weirder, funnier, or just outright odder news bits from each day. While the […]
Secret Places
The secret world that doesn’t exist until you find it. I’ve been walking up and down the same set of escalators for nearly two years. They lead up to an […]
Salt of the Earth
TNI’s ward against ranged blasts and certain other attacks. Cost: five minor charges This old ritual was rediscovered by TNI researchers some time ago, and has since leaked out to […]
Paht, according to Agrippa, maybe.
TNI’s recently-discovered charging ritual. Cost: 10 minor charges. Description: Take a liter of colloidal silver, 500 ppm concentration. This is available inhouse or online from several dubious homeopathic medicine sites. […]