He who is too cool Avatar: The Hipster “I knew about them BEFORE they went underground. Now YOU know about them.” Attributes: The hipster is the one who is too […]
Velvet Chill
Miroslaw Balka’s black hole at Tate Modern is terrifying, awe-inspiring and throught-provoking. It embraces you with a velvet chill. The latest commission in The Unilever Series How It Is by […]
Bimbo mind control
Wisdom from the mouth of Babes? While perusing that esteemed UK gutter tabloid “The Sun” and glancing furtively at the page three stunner I happened to read the models comments. […]
The daily grind is for slackers… AKA BusyBodies, Salarymen, Stiffs, some folks who know a lot about Platonism or Gnosticism call these guys “Private Workers”, to the confusion of pretty […]
The Working Group on Satellite Astrology
Satellites are stars. And we’re using them to set your horoscope. On October 4th, 1957, astrology stopped working. That was the day that Sputnik launched. Suddenly, a new star was […]
I don’t play the game. I don’t even know how! But when I do my thing on the sidelines, the team plays better; you see, that’s the mistake most people […]
Monster Archtypes
A dirty secret about archetypes: they don’t have to be seen as human. They need to infect human consciousness, and humans must act them out as there’s no else to […]
The Tellers Of Truth
They DO tell the future. I heard people talking about a new trend of khaos magick. They said those guys can tell you what plans the future holds for you. […]
McRibs, anyone?
After 16 years, they still hunger …. The Scotsman has an ‘elusive’ ‘sandwich’ for sale. You eat one, and you want to eat it again, hunting them down across the […]
The only Truth is that there is no Truth. Nicknames: Blanks, Big-O’s, Burnouts, Nihilists, Altar-less Boys You did the right thing. You thought and talked, and fought and lost, and […]