Take on some of the sun’s might for a season. Power: Minor Cost: 4 Minor Charges Effect: You gain 5 more Body points and get a +10% shift to any […]
Science Delves into the Statosphere
The IC leaves tracks, and someone is following the trail. Some science guy named Rupert Sheldrake of all things is onto archetypes of the mass consciousness. He’s been putting the […]
The Escapist
It’s freedom, baby. Yeah! Attributes: This is the archetype of every person who has ever wanted to be free of government oppression, peer pressure, chemical addiction, a shameful past… anything […]
The phonebooth to hell
A phonebooth that allows you to call dead people. The street running along the west side of St James Cemetary is rather innocuous. It has some some drugstores, one bookshop, […]
WTC Dust
Universal blast carrier. It turns out that the toxic cloud of WTC dust is unusually empowered to store blasts. Any school can use it. It only takes a half ounce […]
Paradigm: Addict
Desparation and compulsion. Paradigm: Addict (Self/Helplessness): The addict can rationalize a wide range of behavior to get their fix. However, the allure of the rush can seem like a compulsion […]
the crackle over the phone
a collection of rumours overheard in the space between conversations… sometimes if you listen real close, you can hear things over the crackle of a bad connection…or from a scrap […]
You know nothing.
The things about the Invisible Clergy and The Comte de St-Germain are all lies ! What you think you know about the “cosmic reincarnation” is the biggest hoax made to […]
Dukes? In Berkeley?
Craziness doesn’t make for good magick. So why is this stuff so valuable? For decades, crazy people have been walking around the streets of Berkeley handing out manifestos. By “crazy […]
Simonne le seuler et Mileu
Simon the Loner and Milo, A man and his dog Simon lives in and around Montreal Quebec Canada, in a beautiful manor house which used to belong to his (now […]