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The Changing Box

A clockwork room of renunciation? A North Jersey clockworker has built the “changing box” to rehabilitate violent criminals and other people he doesn’t like. Its frame is made from re-cast […]

Menzoa |

Dead Man’s Noose

Creates an astral snare trap for demons. Power: Minor Cost: 5 minor charges Effect: This ritual creates a region that demons can enter but cannot exit. The trap has a […]

The Tim |

Shadow Mask

Turn your shadow into a proxy Power: Significant Cost: 3 significant charges Effect: Your shadow becomes your minor proxy. Description: To perform this ritual you need a Catholic priest in […]

The Tim |

The Witch-Hunter

Fox Mulder meets the Spanish Inquisition. Attributes: To most folks, the Witch-Hunter is the embodiment of humanity’s triumph over the supernatural. He uses humanity’s mundane advantages (planning, research, preparation) to […]

Dan Bayn |

Offing a whole school? Nah.

It would be so easy to discount if it weren’t for all those singing ATMs. Buzz has it that a couple of months ago every Plutomancer in Denver lost all […]

The Tim |

Night of the Vampires

Eat and drink, and get the juice… If you kill somebody who has charges, and then drink his blood and eat his flesh, then you will get some or all […]

antoine |

Wisdom Teeth

These odd bits of jewlery carry a one-time veto over an untimely death Power: Significant (one use) Effect: Each Wisdom Tooth provides a second chance at living. To activate the […]

Menzoa |

The Gardener

The god of agriculture blooms anew in an age of biotechnologists and potheads Agriculture and civilization came into existence hand-in-hand: our first steps out of hunting and gathering were propelled […]

M. Norwood |

When the Devil’s Busy…

Ever want just a few more days with someone beyond the veil? You know how The Freak became the godwalker? Mother Theresa killed and resurrected it in the attic of […]

Menzoa |


Tokens of the city’s favor. Power: Minor or Significant Effect: The holder of a metrocharm gains the benefits of the urbanomancy spell Day Pass. Metrocharms only work within a single […]

Menzoa |