They’re here. They know who you are and what you do and they want to change that. Ever have a feeling of deja vu? You walk into a place you […]
The Bone Factory
Clockworkers and Fleshworkers playing God In the early nineteen hundreds a Mechanomancer became increasingly frustrated with the limitations of his art. Whilst he could make increasingly complex imitations of life, […]
Welcome to the official UA site!
Greetings obsessive freakjobs! We’ve been working on this site for a few weeks now and are pleased it’s finally open for everyone. There’s already a lot of content here, so […]
Deadful Things
This a quick and dirty resource for fleshed-out undead without the typical undead cheesiness. each type comes with a sample GMC. It is aimed as a resource. I posted this […]
Devouring Mother prophesised
Possibly predicting (certainly predating) a rumoured US Duke is an old English folk tale. The following is an extract from Kevin Crossely Holland’s collection “British Folk Tales”, Publish by Orchard […]
It’s not smoking you have to worry about…
…it’s the ashtrays. As we all know, smoking is really bad for your health. What a lot of people don’t realize is that when you smoke, those few minutes of […]
Unknown Armies LARP rules
Player version of GNOSIS’ UA LARP rules. Heyho, To quench your thirst as you are waiting for official UA LARP rules (if that’s your thing), make sure to take a […]
A few links to some atmospheric websites The Twilit Grotto is an archive of Renaissance Esoterica, useful bcakground material for who was who pre-PoMo. Exit 23 is your modern wierd […]
Dr. Seuss
The old childrens book writer was a ritual writer. The books written my Dr Seuss are all actually cleverly disguised rituals. Only those who study these texts in great detail […]