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The Theurgist

Practitioners of psuedo old-school summoning magick. Theurgy is the product of the hermetic revivalist and spiritualist movements of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, and a less than successful […]

Simon Foston |

The Lodge of the Red Dragon

A loosely-organised assortment of mostly clueless English Arthurian enthusiasts. The Lodge of the Red Dragon. The Dragon Lodge, as it’s more commonly called, was founded in Bristol, England, in the […]

Simon Foston |

The Lodge of the Chapel Green.

A hive-mind cult of very, very drunk people. The Lodge of the Chapel Green consists of about twenty adepts, based in the city of Bristol in England. To most people, […]

Simon Foston |

Fall of a Sparrow

A UA convention scenario, complete with PCs. Originally run at Warpcon X. Somewhat dated by its reliance on the millenium, but can be mined for ideas. Download from

Gar |

Kind Hearts & Coronets

Bringing out the Dead if it were written by Tim Powers, or a cheap knockoff of Tim anyway. A Miami-based UA con scenario, complete with PCs. Originally run at Leprecon […]

Gar |

Carcosa, NJ

Six fairly clueless thugs blunder into the occult side of Atlantic City. A UA con scenario, including PCs, originally run at Gaelcon 2000. Download from

Gar |

Viva Atomic City

Eamon Honan & Meg Hilko’s Unknown Armies scenario concerning the events when a bunch of horny high school teenagers decide to hang out in Los Alamos canyon. Meantime, a festival […]

Gar |

St Caecilian is back!

The order of St. Cecil has a bit of help from beyond the veil. St. Caecilian of Sargossa, the ancient martyr who founded the order of St. Cecil is still […]

Nick Wedig |

The Comte keeps a diary…

…but it’s not easy to find. Of course he does. Wouldn’t you? I’m mean, I’m sure that immortality has its advantages, but after just a few hundred years it’s got […]

John C. |