The crazy old cat lady has a secret or two… There’s loopy old lady with dozens of cats who lives in a rundown house a few blocks away. No phone […]
The Clandestine Gun
An untraceable gun that seeks out the downtrodden and helps them vent their anger… In the 1880s Howell Ferguson was a renowned arms manufacturer catering to an audience with special […]
The Unwritten Word
A ritual which lets the target of the spell disappear from any kind of record now extant or made in future. This ritual hails from the dawn of recorded history; […]
The Mystery Man
Capes and Cloaks and Masks, oh my! Inigo: “Who are you?” The Man in Black: “No one of consequence.” Inigo: “I must know.” The Man in Black: “Get used to […]
The Theurgist
Practitioners of psuedo old-school summoning magick. Theurgy is the product of the hermetic revivalist and spiritualist movements of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, and a less than successful […]
The Lodge of the Red Dragon
A loosely-organised assortment of mostly clueless English Arthurian enthusiasts. The Lodge of the Red Dragon. The Dragon Lodge, as it’s more commonly called, was founded in Bristol, England, in the […]
The Lodge of the Chapel Green.
A hive-mind cult of very, very drunk people. The Lodge of the Chapel Green consists of about twenty adepts, based in the city of Bristol in England. To most people, […]
Fall of a Sparrow
A UA convention scenario, complete with PCs. Originally run at Warpcon X. Somewhat dated by its reliance on the millenium, but can be mined for ideas. Download from
Kind Hearts & Coronets
Bringing out the Dead if it were written by Tim Powers, or a cheap knockoff of Tim anyway. A Miami-based UA con scenario, complete with PCs. Originally run at Leprecon […]
Carcosa, NJ
Six fairly clueless thugs blunder into the occult side of Atlantic City. A UA con scenario, including PCs, originally run at Gaelcon 2000. Download from