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Viva Atomic City

Eamon Honan & Meg Hilko’s Unknown Armies scenario concerning the events when a bunch of horny high school teenagers decide to hang out in Los Alamos canyon. Meantime, a festival […]

Gar |

St Caecilian is back!

The order of St. Cecil has a bit of help from beyond the veil. St. Caecilian of Sargossa, the ancient martyr who founded the order of St. Cecil is still […]

Nick Wedig |

The Comte keeps a diary…

…but it’s not easy to find. Of course he does. Wouldn’t you? I’m mean, I’m sure that immortality has its advantages, but after just a few hundred years it’s got […]

John C. |

Ghosts and Pneuma

Mechanics for Catching, Growing and Caring for the Newly Dead. Also 101 things to do with the immortal soul you just sniffed. Taken from the novels of Tim Powers and […]

Gaston Phillips |

The Cryptophage is Walking

Keep your head down. The old timers are closing shop. Dukes are taking vacations. No one agrees on what the deal is with the Cryptophage. But here’s what they’re saying: […]

Gaston Phillips |

Something Nasty Under the Stairs

A brief and humble one-shot horror movie scene to get some weirdness and fright into your game. An abandoned hospital wing. PCs trapped with a killer. Ancient evil joins the […]

Gaston Phillips |

One chance to die

In the East Village, the opening gambit of a bid for immortality. New York in August bears a serious resemblance to Hell. Like Jules had always said – “I’m not […]

Gaston Phillips |