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UA Email Discussion List

Need a daily dose of UA brainstorming? This lively email discussion list is great fun and a terrific resource. The list’s home page has subscription information and full archives.

John Tynes |

UA2 PC Wallpaper

Some great art by Samuel Araya in a very cool UA2-inspired design. Get it and stick it! Available in 800×600 and 1024×768.

John Tynes |

TNI Report

This is the blank form seen in the back of Lawyers, Guns, and Money. (Download from

John Tynes |

Adept Charge Sheet

A handy-dandy record sheet for keeping track of your adept’s charges, prepared by Mike Mearls. (Download from

John Tynes |

GM’s Wound Point Record

A matrix the GM can use to keep track of the ills that befall the player characters, prepared by Mike Mearls. (Download from

John Tynes |

UA2 Downloadable Preview

The first few dozen pages of the Unknown Armies second edition core rulebook, in Adobe Acrobat format. Full art and layout, includes character creation! (Download from

John Tynes |