Some adepts of other schools claim to hear the universe speaking to them. They’re obviously insane, but you can sort of understand where they’re coming from; because the cosmos speaks through you. Not with […]
Metallic Occultism (3e)
Metallic Occultism AKA Smiths, Metalworkers, Piercers I made this school back on the old johntynes website for 2nd edition, but it didn’t survive the purge and was never recovered (couldn’t […]
Pediomancy (3e)
One of my players is a fan of Seanan McGuire’s Velveteen stories and wanted a doll-oriented school, so I adapted and expanded Pupamancy for 3e. Dolls are toys, and almost […]
Agoramancy (3e)
I’m sure I got the seed for this somewhere else, but I can’t find it in my notes. If anyone knows, please post in comments so that I can properly […]
Telimancy (3e)
It’s a common belief in the Occult Underground that Telimancy grew out of Fulminaturgy. It makes sense if you don’t know either school very well; obviously the bullet school came […]
9/11 Jam Feedback
Mechristopheles posted his feed for the 9/11 Jam on discord (I believe this may have also been shared to the FB group) and it’s a good index of everything that […]
Mellimancy (3e)
Adaptation of TedPro’s Mellimancy for 3e Honey is powerful. It is ancient and modern and vital. During the late summer and early fall, honey is a staple crop in many […]
Merinthomancy (3e)
Mathematicians may claim the field of topology as their own, but the truth is that twisting shapes into other shapes is a prehistoric skill, and one with a magical tradition just as […]
Lactomancy (3e)
Adapting and expanding TedPro’s Lactomancy for 3e, because I have weird players. Milk is powerful. It is everyone’s first food, a rich source of nutrients and antibodies, and is revered […]
The Order of Armistice, 3E
The Order of Armistice seemed like an early casualty of the Whisperer War. With any allies in the larger cabals busy with their own problems, more and more Warriors began […]