A precursor to Simon Foston’s post-WWII Phobomancy Aka: Bogeymen, Nightlings, Haunts Symbolic Tension: The deeper you look into the abyss, the deeper the abyss looks into you. A good part […]
Avatar of the Good Samaritan
Good Samaritans are loosely based on the biblical parable: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Good_Samaritan The Good Samaritan is the guardian and protector of the traveller. The tow truck driver that shows up just the […]
The Art of Noises
A Call of Cthulhu comic with a rumor that could be adapted for UA. This is one story in a larger CoC volume. Tweak the nature of the beastie, and […]
The Mariner
It is an Ancient Mariner, and he stoppeth one of three. By thy long beard and glittering eye, now wherefore stopp’st thou me? Attributes: The Mariner represents humanity’s relationship with […]
The Mask Wearer
A Personamancy off shoot, New Orleans style…. You would have been a damn good personamancer had you not had such a large fixation with masks. Masks are a core part […]
The power over darkness, gained through sensory deprivation. (Molemen, Shadows) * This is my first submission, and I’m planning on using these guys in a campaign, so please, give feedback. […]
Clockwork Messiah
The rebirth of Mechanomancy Clockworking has been around for a long time, and it hasn’t seen much change since it’s inception in Renaissance Europe. It’s been long overdue for some […]
Bind Snowfallen
A ritual to bind those pernicious spouters of prophesy and snowstorm moaners Background: Snowfallen–those ghosts of women who have lost their children and/or died in childbirth, have a vulnerability in […]
Summon Santa Claus
A ritual that must be fulfilled to get Santa to bring presents to your house. This ritual requires a number of actions to be performed before it works, some on […]
Debt Dodgers
Gaining magical power through debt. Debtors Minor Charge Recieve a warning about late repayment of a debt. This can be a letter from a bank or utility or an argument […]