“Work sets you free” sign stolen from infamous death camp. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article6962317.ece Police suspect Neo-Nazis. I suspect Cliomancers…or just someone trying to ascend as something nasty.
Just a few artsy girls out for some good old ultraviolence. Co-created by Deathsong. The end of the rave scene hit 101 hard. Some soldiered on, some started cabaret acts, […]
More theater rumors
At least one of these is true. Everyone knows actors are superstitious, but it’s not just because their job requires luck. In the early days of theater, actors were likely […]
6 hours to erase bad memories
6 hours to erase bad memories http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8401134.stm
Mysterious spiral of light
A mysterious spiral of light http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1234430/Mystery-spiral-blue-light-display-hovers-Norway.html
Record-Breaking book price
Bibliomancer major charge? http://www.miamiherald.com/entertainment/AP/story/1365687.html Though I’d point it out.
The Barb
The Flesh Crafter’s Hubris This is my first submission, hope you guys like it. The Barb, also known as the Flesh Crafter’s Hubris, is an artifact of extreme power in […]
Oil of Paranoia
Works really well if you’re genuinely paranoid! Action:write your name on a piece of paper in your own blood and drop it into some oil(sunflower if possible).Then act paranoid for […]
UA Downloads by Myself & Vrylakos
Apologies for buggering you guys about but I have totally redone my site with WordPress and everything… …so it is all bells and whistles now. Needless to say it totally […]
Slavic traditional divining rituals
Handed down generation to generation, these old rituals still have some mojo behind them Thieftaker Cost – 3 minor charges Bury a blade used previously in hunting in snow for […]