A little more than a century ago, a rabbi in Tsarist Russia was accused by a noble of poisoning his child. A complete falsehood, as far as anybody knows, but […]
Sex, Lies, And Videotape
Background Marcus Hoffman was your average petty criminal who, through a series of increasingly odd jobs, found his way into the Occult Underground and from there, Level D clearance in […]
Formulae For Death
Background Ricky Torrez couldn’t believe those assholes kicked him out. Gut Check was his band from the start. He built their sound from the ground up, he even came up […]
Dry Spell
The Anti-Aphrodisiac Power: Minor Cost: 3 minor charges Effect: The target of this ritual becomes filled with intense, debilitating, shame by the thought, sight, action or mention of sex. They […]
The Conch
“‘And another thing. We can’t have everybody talking at once. We’ll have to have ‘Hands up’ like at school.’ He held the conch before his face and glanced round the […]
Do memes change reality? Perhaps. Maybe even worse, they change unreality. Then, they channel that unreality and bring it across. I mean, what the kek? The Memomancer channels unreality via […]
Order of the Eternal Flame (or: I sold my soul to an AI, and all I got was this lousy campaign)
Like many people lately, I’ve been playing around with ChatGPT. First, I asked it for poetry about love of cheesecake, in the styles of both Edgar Allen Poe and William […]
That Old Silk Hat
Cross-posted from How to Succeed in RPGs or Die Trying. An artifact for Unknown Armies, third edition. Power: Significant Description: That Old Silk Hat is usually treated as a joke or urban […]
The Order of Armistice (or, Nazi Punchers)
It’s a little more complicated than that, but yeah, Nazi Punchers. In the Fall of 1971, Joshua Covitz (‘Normal’), Denese Kan (Entropomancer), Anisa Mbala (Flying Woman) and Otto Roth (Epideromancer) […]
Shot Through the Heart (and You’re to Blame)
One of the fun things that sets UA apart from other games, is the GM tracking of Wound Points. Having the uncertainly of exactly how fucked up you are really […]