A man that just wanted out John smith was born of a pair of adepts working for the sleepers He was found at a young age to have a great […]
More Narco-Alchemy Works
Newly approved by the FDA The Deja View This work, when taken, causes the user to vividly experience a single memory in crystal clarity. It feels to them as though […]
A minor sub-school of Narco Alchemy that uses the mixing of alcoholic cocktails to change the drinkers state of mind. Known as Mixologists This minor sub-school of N-A deals with […]
The fanatic
His message of divine hatred is heard in every language, country and religion. Almost every religion teaches love, harmony and peace. Ironically, the most fundamentalist followers of most religions tend […]
Robot love goes wrong
A robot designed to feel emotions becomes an obsessive stalker http://gear.ign.com/articles/959/959790p1.html
“The older I get; the better I was.” A.K.A. Has-beens, Wash-outs. You all know that guy. Maybe you’ll even admit you’ve been that guy; the one who was almost President, […]
Avatar: Christian
Playing a follow of Jesus in the Occult Underground. AVATAR: THE CHRISTIAN ATTRIBUTES: What do you think of when you hear the word “Christian?” Do you think of narrow-minded individuals […]
The Vampire Gene
Creating and playing characters whose DNA contains the rare vampire gene The explanation behind the vampire legends is provided in the UA rulebook (pages 312-313 in the second edition). Though […]
I Still Live!
A Red Meat-inspired ritual. This ritual requires: One human skull, and its jaw, A large lump of raw beeswax, A melted stick of lip balm that you’ve used, A handful […]
Mystical artistic vandalism. A.k.a. Taggers, Spraycans. Graffitiomancy is tricky school of magick to pin down in terms of history. By its very nature, it’s spread and influence has been subtle, […]