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The Mad Prophet

a.k.a. …Who knows? Several possibilities, for an Archetype necessarily confusing and obscure (Firstly, props to TedPro’s Archetype as my inspiration for this.) Is there or isn’t there a Guy With […]

bsushi |

Christians In Revolt

So I was browsing this forum, laughing at silly Christians and silly atheists arguing over evolution again, and this Christian was accusing this atheist of uncritically believing in evolution out […]

Mr. Sluagh |

Celebrity Clonelord

What does Christopher Lee do when he’s not plotting to rule the world? Now, first of all, everyone knows the Screen Actor’s Guild has been the single most powerful force […]

stange_person |

Cannabimancy Revised

Ganjamancers, Pot Fairies, Demon Weeds, Mary (or Marty) Janes. Completely revised version of the school I posted on the UA list and, with an overhauled charging structure and lots […]

Mr. Sluagh |

The Survivor

Staying alive. Attributes: All throughout history, there have been crisises, disasters, invasions, diseases and accidents that kill great lots of people, injure even more and are survived by more still. […]

Michael Keenan |

Accident Slivers

If it can crash, it will. Cost: 8 significant charges. Ritual: This will only work on a moonless night. Find a street lantern. Any one will do. Take out its […]

Wratts |

The Gamer

Play to win. Attributes: The gamer is a winner, and player of games. He devotes his life totally to games, not just any game but gaming in general. He can’t […]

WhitemageofDOOM |

Science and the Cthuluhu Mythos

Human perception shapes reality, the scientific community wants an objective reality. So the scientific community, claim the universe is an objective reality with strict and immutable laws and humanity is […]

WhitemageofDOOM |

The holders

In any city, in any country, there’s a mental institution or halfway house you can try any of these in. There were 2538 of these, but 2000 were lost. They […]

lemonjuice |