Know why dukes hate anime conventions? People with aura vision, symbolsight, and similar abilities shun anime and fantasy conventions; all the symbols, costumes, and odd dress people wear throw them […]
The Autobahn Bop Mix
Cassette tape full of speed! The Autobahn Bop Mix was made by Max Schenk, a German Entropomancer who juiced up by taking risks by pissing people off by pretending to […]
Old Man Withers
If it wasn’t for you meddling kids! Old Man Withers wasn’t always old. Yeah, facetious maybe, but it bears remembering. As a kid, Sam Withers was molested by a neighbor […]
Shoes of the Rambling Man
Want to know where someone’s been recently? Check their shoes – they know all the roads they’ve walked on. Charge cost: TBD* Ritual Ingredients — A pair of shoes belonging […]
Ward Area
Perfect for playing around with your group—especially if you’re inclined to break out the seasonal undead. This ritual requires: A spool of red silk ribbon, A staplegun and/or duct tape […]
sweet dreams
Baby moniters – as innocent as they seem? Baby Monitors – Almost everyone who’s had a child has one sitting innocuously by their kid’s bed so they can keep an […]
Aphrodite of our times
A 50kg solid gold statue of supermodel Kate Moss in a yogic pose has been unveiled. Siren, a £1.5 million solid gold sculpture, is one of several contemporary art works […]
Night of the Cow
This is either a Max Attax working gone horribly wrong or “Mad Cow Disease” really has made it to the US… Udder Kaos
‘666’ road sign thefts bedeviling roadways
Satan’s Chosen Temple strikes again!
Shark magic! You are accustomed to constant hunger. Like the sharks you worship, you’re never satisfied, and like them, you’re cold and violent. You haven’t quite achieved the innocent bloodshed […]