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Data Recovery

Unnatural Phenomena is up and running! All the content from John Tynes’ old site has been transferred here, with John’s blessing, including user login, comments and forum entries. If you […]

Fairlyhyperman |

Website back up

Sorry for the trouble, folks. I’ve fixed the issue that caused the website to lose all of its content. FYI: The site runs on pMachine, a blogging platform that existed […]

John Tynes |

Jeremiah Jones, Bible Worshipper

A rather unusual bibliomancer. Jeremiah was a preacher once. He retired fifteen years ago, but he’s still very very faithful. In fact, his devotion to the Bible is so strong […]

Sanctaphrax |

Dennis Grant, Seeker of Strength

An epideromantic martial artist. Dennis Grant worships strength. He grew up weak and sickly, with a father that mocked him for it. He made it worse by training harder than […]

Sanctaphrax |

Frederick Brown, Sleeper Executioner

A professional killer. Frederick Brown is an incredibly bland man. White, middle-aged, wife and two kids, white picket fence around a house in the suburbs, no real hobbies. And like […]

Sanctaphrax |


The power of loneliness. Loneliness is a strange and terrible thing. Humans are social creatures, and we define ourselves according to the ways that other people see us. This keeps […]

Sanctaphrax |

Tyrell Johnson, World Champion

The MVP of MMA. Tyrell grew up shiftless and lazy. His nice upper-middle-class professional parents loved him, but they were always somewhat…disappointed. Though he was very athletic, he never seemed […]

Sanctaphrax |

Bibliomancy rev. ed.

Most of the bookworms I know aren’t dignified aficionados of first editions, they’re omnivorous packrats. Bibliomancers of this type don’t care about the quality of the books they own, and […]

Auclaire |

Mathemancy (updated)

Abstracting the world into pure numerical truth. Nickname: Savants (or idiot savants if you’re in a pissy mood) Mathematics is a quest for complex, quantified abstract truth. Mathemancy takes that […]

TedPro |