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The In-Store Camera of Hate

What if someone could make you famous; for all of the wrong reasons… Let’s say you hated someone’s guts. Let’s say you knew what their biggest taboo (magical or otherwise) […]

privateI |

The Girl In The Fireplace

What’s an 18th century fireplace doing on a 21st century cruise liner The Girl In The Fireplace Introduction All the PC’s are members of the coastgaurd. While sitting in harbor […]

Tuka |

We Want…Information.

You won’t get it! By hook or by crook, we will! A lot of people were originally upset about the way The Prisoner ended, but as Patrick McGoohan himself said, […]

Doktor Anon |

A death to ironic to be real

According to this article he had just been teaching how to deal with the exact type of situation that claimed his life.

vagina = fun! |

I Want To Believe

A young recluse’s beliefs begin to come to life. Can the PCs save him from being snatched away by his own dreams? Adventure Background: Not long ago an elderly man […]

Momus |

The Tale of St Cecil and the Moor

The story of how a conflict over the Godwalkerhood of The Magus led to the foundation of the Order of St Cecil. “Once, for example, an alternately raging and sullen […]

JamesH |

Indigo Prophecy

Winter 2009, a massive snowstorm has come down on Manhattan. In the toilets of a backstreet diner, Lucas Kaine, up until now a no-body IT technician, wakes up with a […]

zack |


Nobility need never prove itself. You are accustomed to things going your way. You grew up getting your way and these expectations keep carrying you forward. And that’s how it […]

TedPro |