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Indigo Prophecy

Winter 2009, a massive snowstorm has come down on Manhattan. In the toilets of a backstreet diner, Lucas Kaine, up until now a no-body IT technician, wakes up with a […]

zack |

Rumours, rumoured rituals…

A handful of creepy hints a friend of mine found; all have potential. There are stories about a certain kind of hitchhiker – they only ever appear at night on […]

Sage of Darkness |

The Ritual of Consanguinous Exchange

A way to change places Cosanguinous Exchange Cost: Either 13 minor Charges or 1 Significant Charge Effects: The ritual of Cosanguinous Exchange enables two people to effectively swap places with […]

Waparius |

Black is White, Up is Down, Short is Long

Just listen to the disembodied head of Albert Einstein! The only reason that Mother Teresa never became the Godwalker of the Mother was that she never bore any actual children. […]

Lilith |

The Waste Land

I will show you fear in a handful of dust. T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land is so, so much more than a poem about the decay of modern civilization. It’s […]

The Demented One |

The 3rd Party Candidate for 2008

And now for some comic relief You think a Mormon Candidate Has Troubles? Posted by Tom Bertonneau on December 26, 2007 Ladies and Gentlemen of the press; my fellow Americans. […]

privateI |

Cell #57 Argentine Texas Prison Key

“You will perish in flames” Theres a new artifact wandering the occult underground and its worth killing for. Let me start from the beginning. A few weeks ago there was […]

CriticalFault |

The mermory theroy

Theres a room, and in that room. Theres a room, some where in the deep corners of your mind, Its kinda messy you know like an artsy room, and zig […]

Skelly |

Everything on this Page is a Lie

You know what you know… you know? A paradox can’t be true, and can’t be false, but has to be real, you understand? It has to be. Paradox is a […]

Qualia |