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The True(?) history of St Cecil

The history of St Cecil, bogus Spanish Saint and his mysterious books. I unexpectedly found the story of St Cecil here: Much of it sounds like a UA plot […]

JamesH |

Anonymancy (alternate)

Anonymous is Legion. aka /B/tards, Hackers on Steroids You’re almost invariably male, caucasian, middle-class. Your parents were normal, vanilla folks. Maybe you had a sibling or two. You went to […]

W T Snacks |

Anonymancy – a rough draft

There’s a sort of Magick in /b/, an magick of eccentricity and disgust.. Anyone could be an anonomancer… ANYBODY… Yet another take on Memetic Magick Blast: The Anonymancer’s Blast involves […]

Galen |

Hastur the Unspoken

Hastur as an Anti-Archetype. Part of an Unknown Armies/Call of Cthulhu crossover. Destruction. Creation. Entropy. Entelechy. When you understand the cycle of universes, all are one. In the beginning will […]

JamesH |


Nobody cares. Nobody could do that. Nobody thinks that. Nobody A popular phrase to throw around nowadays, is that “Nobody cares” or “Nobody loves you” or “Nobody likes (insert hobby […]

ame |

The Sudoku Puzzle

Driven Crazy. By a stupid mathematical puzzle. Power: Minor. History: Rubiyot Khamiger got bored with simple Bibliomancy, and developed a sadistic turn of mind. He decided that people deserved to […]

privateI |


Telephone of the dead. Necrotelecom This ritual creates a magickal artefact similar in function to the Necrophone, which Thomas Edison was rumoured to have attempted to create to contact the […]

Hotel Detective |


Breaking the fourth wall. aka Authors, Protagonists, Tropers You were going to be a legend. You were going to be a genius, a star, the greatest author that had ever […]

The Demented One |