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Flexible Magic Mod

This modification adapts Buffy-style magic mechanics to the beautifully deranged world of Unknown Armies. While I believe the UA magic system adds flavor to the game and feels appropriate for […]

darkthorn |


בלשנימ לגמרי Linguamancer A.K.A. Linguists, Wordsmiths It all started when your English teacher praised you for correctly using “further” rather than “farther”. From then on, you had a passion for […]

Alatain |

The Collective Anthem

A living embodiment of music. Is it a Godwalker? A mass of wild magick? Or just a tune in your head? (Cosmic or Gobal only) NOTE: The follwoing stats are […]

Michael Keenan |

Jailbreak Actual Play (Part the Third)

Part 3 of Jailbreak (The part after… well, you get the idea) At last the long awaited and criticaly aclaimed gaming trainwreck is here! Behold part 3!

Stephen Alzis |


Making the world a better place, one friend at a time. Copyright really to mooshified but partially to Piotyr. Also mad props to Tulpa for help finishing this. Nickname: Buddies […]

Piotyr |

Heard on King Street

Truth, like wine, comes from the grapevine. One of the buildings at the University of Sydney is made entirely out of seaweed. We didn’t actually elect Kevin Rudd. That’s John […]

johnboy |

Unknown Armies Wiki

Wikimancy: The Unknown Armies Wiki Here’s an Unknown Armies wiki I started a while back but it’s gathering dust. Please use it. …Perhaps by starting with creating a UA wiki*encyclopedia. […]

Insect King |

The Mad Scientist v3.0

Reinspired by a thread on made by some mad genius named Moochava. Attributes: The Mad Scientist goes headlong where angels fear to tread, blithely steals fire from the gods, […]

Unknown_VariableX |