A.K.A. Drill Fiends, Devil Dentists, Scrivellians (after the dentist from Little Shop of Horrors) (First, a note: I’d like to thank my dad, Dr. Norman R. Feldstein, D.M.D., for sharing […]
Order, a truly post-modern answer to entropomancy Ordomancy Order surrounds us and controls us. People stop at a red light when no one is around. Cops become different people when […]
102 Burial urns stollen from a cemetary
Why would someone steel urns, why 102? http://www.theindychannel.com/news/14599663/detail.html
The Third Man
Do you ever remember the name of the guy who got the Bronze medal? Attributes: The Third Man is the embodiment of that guy who was right there on the […]
Floating blue cloud?
An unexplained blue cloud was caught on video and seen by customers http://www.local6.com/news/14578641/detail.html
Tangent Universe
Roberta Sparrow was one of the lucky ones… (Note: This is based heavily on the film Donnie Darko, including the deleted scenes, as well as The Philosophy of Time Travel […]
Chronomancer (Alternate)
Vita fugit. A.K.A. Batteries, Timepieces It’s pretty hard to find a Chronomancer. They’re rare, because the personal cost of Chronomancy is so high. They’re also secretive, because of the great […]
The Fighter
Gratuitous Violence has been around for all of Human history. An archetype of those individuals who seek battle for no reason. The Fighter seeks battle for battle’s sake. He carries […]
Historical evidence of a Zombie attack
the title says it all http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/hierakonpolis/zombies.html
The Hunter and the White Deer
Hunter shoots rare albino deer…really rare… A female hunter shot and killed a rare albino deer as hunting season got kicked off in Minnesota. Click here to watch video. Mary […]