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Adapting the Shadowrun rules for magical empower to UI. Most would think it silly. Chanting in a dark room filled with mirrors and feeble flickering candles looking from dark secrets […]


Weirdness from the Emerald City

The strange things you hear while sipping coffee at a Starbucks… (overheard from scruffy forty-something man in an old army jacket and acid-washed torn jeans near Pioneer Square) “No kidding, […]

MadPanda |

Harmony Singer, Street-level ronin

A troubled young woman with some curious potential! (What follows is a player character write-up from a now sadly defunct play-by-post. Since I’m submitting some other stuff from that game, […]

MadPanda |

Nyarlathotep, the False Messenger

Nyarlathotep, the False Messenger, as an Anti-Archetype. Part of a CoC/UA Crossover. AKA: The Mighty Messenger, the Herald of Azathoth, The Crawling Chaos, the Thousand Faced, The Mask that Mocks, […]

JamesH |

Hitler’s champagne sold at auction.

A risky opportunity for boozehounds out for a major charge. Hitler’s champagne fetches £1,400 A bottle of champagne believed to have been taken from Hitler’s wine cellar by an allied […]

Hotel Detective |

Yig-Tsathoggua, the Cold Blooded

Yig-Tsathoggua, Great Old One, Lord of Reptiles and Amphibians, as an Anti-Archetype. Part of a CoC/UA crossover. Yig-Tsathoggua, The Cold Blooded, The Two Face, The Forked Tongue, The Twin Obscenity. […]

JamesH |

Blood Dolls

Like affects like. A convenient (but limited) proxy ritual for the ethically squeamish. Cost: 4 Minor Charges Overview: This ritual draws upon a principal exploited by anyone seeking to take […]

Basilisk |

Second Impact Syndrome 14

Chapter Fourteen: I Like Big Guns And I Don’t Know Why Cody opened one eye, then the other. Whoever had changed him, however he had changed him, had left his […]

Unknown_VariableX |

A good person dies

Man helping other dies shortly after Sounds like he knew the inevitable was on it’s way and was trying to change his karma or something.

vagina = fun! |