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I am the Emperor!

Two Avatars battle. One Victorious,2933,289562,00.html A man was shot and killed in front of Gov. Bill Ritter offices. He held a handgun and had a knife in his pocket. […]

CriticalFault |

The Washing Machine of Purity

“Woman, respect thyself!” A confrontation of epic proportion between a magickal washing machine and a woman wanting to have sex. Back in the sixties, a woman whose name has been […]

Jocelyn Robitaille |


Vampires, or rather, wannabe vampires This is my first shot at a new adept school. Being the world of Unknown Armies, the idea behind the school of magick is that […]

Cantankerous |

The Toybox Altar

A school for gadget-worshippers. He who dies with the most toys wins. Nickname: otaku (singular and plural) Popular commercial culture has it mostly right. You are what you own. But […]

TedPro |

The Flutterby Effect

You can always trust demons, right? Especially with the big stuff. This is just a summary of a scenario I ran. I used a character idea I think I found […]

hkdharmon |

I’m no doctor..

A horrific story with a seemly impossible angle {The story isnt graphic…just awful} I’m just confused. I don’t wish to make light of this story (because it is really awaful). […]

CriticalFault |

Cosmic Speculation

Ranting and raving by the seriously in-the-know. Those at the top of the occult heap have come to some pretty big conclusions on their way up there. Of course, that […]

Qualia |

Violence Fetish

Don’t walk through a drive-by without one. Violence Fetish Power: Minor Effect: The person wearing the fetish cannot be harmed by random violence. This doesn’t help if someone is deliberately […]

Stephen Alzis |

The Truth Will Make You Fret

A fistful of true words from Australia… You know how every corner shop you find in the twisted backstreets of a suburb looks the same? That’s because they are. The […]

johnboy |

Help fund!

It’s time to renew the annual server hosting for this site and I’d really appreciate it if you could help out. I need to raise $95.40 to pay for another […]

John Tynes |