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Grim Storie

The noir internal monologue of a dying breed of private detective/bounty hunter during a rare psychotherapy session. I sit in the leather chair and take in the stereotypical psychiatrist’s office […]

Starchasm |

Cowboys and Dinosaurs

Where did this pterodactyl come from, and why aren’t we supposed to know about it? There are always unsubstantiated reports of dinosaurs in the jungle and things like that. Most […]

F.A.R. |

The Horde Patch

It’s all fun and games until someone loses their mind… Inspired by the Horde patches put out by I’ve been mulling how to do this for a few months […]

Dungeon Maestro |


How on MMORPG will oneday destroy the universe? or I mean who would you rather be. Bob the accountant or Ragor Proudroar defend of Azeroth (possibly nessary disclaimer: i do […]


Three Cabals For Use

A short collection of organizations within the Occult Underground, one for each level of playing. Street-Level: The Red Eye Society – Nine P.M. flight. Departure from O’Hare, arrival wherever you […]

Patkin |


A mechanomancer’s turntable which is as dangerous as you would expect. DJ Kanada’s Theory of Everything could best be described as hyper-materialistic, as one would expect from an eccentric, overzealous […]

MessiahDave |

Troop 333

On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; […]

MessiahDave |

The Fortune Cookie Charm

A Neo-Orientalist Good-Luck Ritual Cost: 1 minor charge. This marginally useful ritual ensures that your fortune cookie fortune will come true. Some dukes compare this to buying a pack of […]

Mr. Sluagh |

You have 333 New Messages

People will say things to machines that they’d never dream of telling to a person. After all, it’s not like MessageBank is really listening… There’s a website – it’s kinda […]

Qualia |

12-year-old Baby

A 12-year-old girl (14 now) with the mind and body of a six-month-old baby. Strange disorder no-one’s ever heard of, ever? If this doesn’t have the makings of something […]

MessiahDave |