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The Deliverer

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds…. just don’t ask us about the Comte. Attributes: The […]

Odin |


A minor school for inked-up dukes AKA Inkers, Needlemen You scar yourself for beauty. Your skin is a work of sacred art, untouchable by any needle point – save that […]

The Demented One |

Poe Toaster

for 58 Years this man has paid tribut to Egar Allen Poe’s grave.

vagina = fun! |

Speak for the Dead

A handy little ritual for phone pranks. Power: Minor Cost: 2 Minor Charges Effect: The caster speaks in the dead person’s voice until sunup or sundown whichever comes first. No, […]

Stephen Alzis |

Second Impact Syndrome 10

Chapter Ten: Light the Darkness, Curse the Candle Ace stumbled on the gravel trail, but the uniformed man would not slow down. The trail looped over hills and through valleys. […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Tobin’s Spirit Guide

One bibliomancer’s account of the Occult Underground. This is a nondescript book, rather large and heavy. (It measures 10″ by 14″ and is at least 5″ thick… although the thickness […]

Lanzlo |

The Psycokinetomancer

Ghostbusters, UA style. Psychokinetomancy (AKA Ghostbusters) Psychokinetomancers are an odd lot. They see themselves as scientists, and believe that the proper application of science can explain anything. They use a […]

Lanzlo |


Postmodern Feng Shui AKA Redecoraters You’ve always been a bit anal about where things go, how they’re arranged. If some poor bastard moved the contents of your desk by so […]

The Demented One |

The Swashbuckler

Style is everything. Attributes The Swashbucklers’s something of a weird archetype. By all rights, it should be dead, replaced by something else. After all, the days of noble pirate raiders, […]

The Demented One |

God vs. the Big Ugly Truck

What does H2 mean to you? Have you ever wondered why GM keeps building Hummers, and designing new models, even though it’s obvious that gas is getting more expensive? People […]

stange_person |