A Personamancer who loves to bring down the house. The term ad-lib often means the introduction of unscripted material in an otherwise scripted scene in a TV show, movie, or […]
Personamancy and Borat
How can a Personamancer like Baron Cohen escape from Sleepers? Being a enterntainer and doing films. Off course. Do you thing he is going to get a Major Charge for […]
Numeromancy 2.0
Second try at this. Did some much needed editing, changed a few formulas and added a little bit of the flavor i’m using for the game at home Numeromancy Nickname: […]
The Magic of Numbers I”m knew to UA, so i’m a little worried about the if this is balanced. Numeromancy Nickname: Bean-counters, mathemancers, Number-cruncher “It’s all in the numbers” As […]
Wilfred Jarring, Bridge-Builder
Wilfred Jarring builds bridges, both physically and metaphysically. Wilfred Jarring in His Own Words: (Translated from the original Swedish.) The whole thing started in 1976. I was 17, and attending […]
Meatclock Man
A Superhero weird enough to give Rorshach the jibblies. There’s a Super out there someplace – Detroit? – who hasn’t got any powers. I know, I know, no powers means […]
The end of the world is on your next purchase Did you know that UPC numbers, you know those things under the barcodes on everything you buy, are slowly counting […]
Buddha: the Original Masterless Man?
Signs of an earlier version of the archetype. From Buddha, by Karen Armstrong: The spirituality in the eastern Gangetic region was much more populist. In the west, the Upanisadic guarded […]
Second Impact Syndrome 8
Chapter Eight: Jestfully Clean Ace stared at the tree that he had never seen before. It was large and artificial, strung with wooden cranberries and plastic icicles. It made him […]
Big-G TAG and little-g gods
Who says occult secrets have to be hard to find? You ever seen that episode of the Twilight Zone, Kick the Can? Long story short, a bunch of old folks […]