So much for the Hippocratic Oath. History David “Ox” Floyd was once an ordinary man. Well, an ordinary doctor. Okay, an ordinary maverick doctor. He was read up on all […]
Classical Alchemy
The remnants of a dying tradition. Alchemy has a long and colorful tradition, dedicated alchemists and dabblers alike toiling in their laboratories observing and studying the mysteries of that can […]
Second Impact Syndrome 7
Chapter Seven: Please Phrase Your Question in the Form of an Answer Ace looked at the bathroom. It was spotlessly clean and all of the plumbing seemed to have small […]
Unknown Armies LARP rules
What it says on the can. Unknown Armies LARP rules, as used in extremely short-lived GNOSIS LARP, Burlington VT. Hopefully it might be of use to others.: Player version: […]
Second Impact Syndrome 6
Chapter Six: Good Help Is Easy To Find “Just tell me if it hurts.” “AAAAEEEEIIII!” “Aye? It does? Okay. I’m done anyway.” Ace grabbed his still throbbing head, which proved […]
UA Fantasy
This is an attempt to force the attitude, mechanics, feel, and play we have all grown to love from UA into a fantasy setting. This is merely a draft and […]
The Scryer
He has been everywhere, seen everything, and has every T-Shirt. The Scryer has only begun to rear his head recently in the underground, but already he is creating quite a […]
Second Impact Syndrome 5
Chapter Five: Dial M for Sofa “Science was a masquerade, meant to sell you lemonay-ade, and it worked! They’re laughing in their graves!” Ace watched Reeso clear off his table, […]
Second Impact Syndrome 4
Chapter Four: Alternative Lifestyle “Hey, have you ever played Half-Life?” Ace spun the middle section of the cube around experimentally. “Half-life of what? Uranium?” “Half-Life the GAME, man. Are you […]
When you think they’re not looking.
Just something I have received printed on a restaurant check I have dined with some role-player friend at some standard Sleeper restaurant. We have requested a check, Brodway Bagel or […]