Names carry power! Nickname: Wonderful, totally respectable appellomancers who aren’t called anything else. (link NSFW) Generate a minor charge: Give something an official name. This must be something that […]
Thin Black Line
Chad Underkoffler to the rescue! Thin Black Line has finally been made available, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Underkoffler and some other awesome people! You can download it at […]
Dance of the Red Spiral Part 2: Collateral Damage
New York City — the early ’90s. A killer’s shadow falls over Central Park….. —————————————————————————Central Park – ???????????? ~ 10:00 PM {..aww gawd… aww fuck me, its coming for me….} […]
The believers of the all mighty ogrelord Shrek. Nicknames: Brogres Shrekomancers are people who obtain powers through Shrek and his all green mightiness. They tend to dress as Shrek some […]
Maintaining dignity and purity through compulsive cleaning. Nicknames: Cleaning agents, neat-freaks, Cathars. This school is riffing on similar ideas to PrivateI’s Cleaner (eliminating filth at the source, by punishing the […]
The magic of telling people why they’re wrong. Nicknames: killjoys, pedants, cynics, naysayers. A lot of folks in the occult underground claim that reality is subjective. Contramancers know better than […]
Turning and turning in the widening gyre. Dizziness Penalty: Each round you spend spinning rapidly gives you a cumulative -5% dizziness penalty. This usually goes away quickly: any time you […]
The Braille Encyclopaedia
The ultimate book of forbidden knowledge, whose pages and readers are one and the same. Based on Verotica #1, a comic book which I am sure will haunt my nightmares […]
Attaining true sight through blindness. The Occulomancer (AKA Oracles, Prophets) The world around you is contaminated with lies. But close your eyes, filter out the impurities, and you are left […]
aka Victims True power is there is no true power. There is only success and failure. Power is a moment, the moment of achievement, a transitory event that cannot be […]