two more options for those looking to confine their foes ————————————————- The Eternal Flame <2 significant charges> Burn in Hell may be a common shout amongst the population, but in […]
A vampiric school based on living through other people’s lives. Testamancy: Witnesses, Momenteers, Kairos Vampires You saw it. You were the Witness. When they ran around, calling the ambulance, panicking, […]
Heads in Jars
If a stationary head in a jar is horrifying, imagine what it would be like to encounter one rolling toward you, thirsty for blood. This is a street-level one-shot scenario […]
Stupidity is the most common element in the universe. Bad ideas are often very appealing. They’re easier to grasp, they play to our expectations, and they are often very difficult […]
Street Theory
Street-level rumors, story seeds, and anything else a crackpot will tell you for a pack of smokes. The Underground is everywhere, man, but most people refuse to see. Of course, […]
A dialogue concerning certain theories which may or may not be all they’re cracked up to be. “Why are you twitching?” “Shit, man! I’m twitching because I figured it out. […]
The Moore Twins, A.K.A The Scissor Sisters
Twin sisters detailed in the fiction section under Sugar and spice and all things nice. The twins are fleshworkers in their mid twenties and live in Miami. Street Level Dukes […]
Killing one bird with four stones
In a flashback to 1943 hitler sends out a hitsquad to kill the godwalker of the flying woman. Death of a Godwalker This is pure pulp, and should be played […]
Sugar and spice and all things nice: Part 2
Two sisters heading for a new life, escaping a troubled youth. Leading on directly from part 1. +++++ These guys were going down. Britney was too soft with this kind […]
Sugar and spice and all things nice: part 1
Two sisters on the road to a happy future, but carrying the kind of baggage that upsets the mundanes… “Get lost, creep, that’s my sister you’re screwing with.” I hope […]