Famed Comic book Author, High Priest of Glycon, And Cosmic Reinterpretationist From Hell. Tom Strong. Watchmen. Alan Moore is thought to be one of, if not the, best writer of […]
The Tractomancer
You know the truth is out there – way out there. Dormant in other dimensions, parallel universes, other worlds the others are too blind to see. Open your eyes and […]
The Village People, Ferris Bueller, and Giblets showing up in the damndest places.
In which we present a few brief rumors, some of which elude to silliness. The house of Edward Theodore Gein, the skin-wearing and vaguely oedipal serial killer that helped inspire […]
The Intuition Pager
This peculiar old pager has a way of making sure you are pointed in the right direction. Hey there. Long time reader, first submission. I give to you the Intuition […]
The Vigilante
A towering, vicious duke with formidable magical and physical power. My TV set hums as I wait for John Walsh to tell me whom to kill. My room is barren, […]
The Severe Misfortune of Nick Flamel
He had it, man! He fucking had it! Nick Flamel woke up one day knowing nothing but his name, the nature of the occult underground, and that he had found […]
Arachne’s Blessing
Or how false advertising leads to screwed over ritualists This is the last of these spider related things I do for now. I mean it. Don’t make me write another […]
Please Help Keep U-A.com Online
It’s time for our annual renewal of the www.Unknown-Armies.com web site hosting service. Each year I ask you to contribute to the hosting fees, as this site is not paid […]
Don’t build there…..
Some people just don’t learn from horror movies….. Just a quick bit of Australian history with a lovely sting in the tail for everyone. Most ships take a hard left […]
Center of the Web
A ritual inspired by Scott Dorward of the UA mailing list Power: Significant Cost: 4 Sig. Charges Effect: The caster begins to feel something moving around in her womb (several […]