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The Unholy Trinity

Apathy, Cynicism and Sarcasm will help you out — if there’s nothing good on TV. Mr. Clean, Advocate of Apathy Annihilomancy is fairly evenly split between those who learn it […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Brother Sivian, Sleeper.

A long story sorry guys! Sivian is a Sleeper agent who found epideromancy through religious flagellation. Global Level Duke – Brother Sivian. Sivian lived with his father somewhere in the […]

ervae |

Cliff Borman

A rare, well-adjusted mage. When in the Occult Underground, typical adept behavior can be divided into three easy categories: Paranoia, Posturing, and Violence. When an adept is behaving more like […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Killing time with Elmo

‘Talking Elmo’ book teaches toddlers another important lesson? Toddler’s Talking Elmo Book Asks ‘Who Wants To Die?’ Company Receives Several Complaints A mother in Dallas is one of several parents […]

Storyteller |


The magic of precious stones, and the worth you put in them. Nickname: Crystal-gazers. You believe in love and loss. Everyone knows that jewels are valuable, but you are one […]

TedPro |


Key Magic The world is bigger than it seems, but most of it is forbidden. Every block you walk has buildings and spaces kept special and reserved. Houses. Cars. Apartments. […]

TedPro |

The Aimless One

Sometimes you control the magick and sometimes the magick controls you. As far as Entropomancy goes, it’s fairly common nowadays for more people to be taught by another Entropomancer than […]

Unknown_VariableX |


Law is your will – law without love. Nickname: ambulance chasers No lawsuit is frivolous. The gears of society are kept slick by the oily lubricant of the U.S. Legal […]

TedPro |


Rat magic – a very tiny school for urban adepts. Like many, you love rats and keep them as your friends. You take it a little further than most, though. […]

TedPro |


A blade-obsessed school for barbers and surgeons everywhere. Nickname: Slashers You know what it means to cut. It is a ritual of tremendous power. People cut their hair, their food, […]

TedPro |