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Identity 2

The second half of what a bored personomancer can do with a couple of spare major charges and a decidedly unhealthy take on the notion of thought experiments in philosophy […]

pedant |


A couple of major charges and a bored personomancer do not make for happy bed fellows. This is inspired by a chapter “The Self and the Future” from the book […]

pedant |

The Mad Scientist

The Laws of Physics are for other people. Summary: The Archetype of the Mad Scientist is a fairly recent archetype, younger than many of the best known, such as the […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Other Cherries

Some cherries for more socially inclined people Cherries are an interesting facet of certain obsession skills – combat and magick. As the two most rules heavy skills, it makes some […]

Cal_Lous |

Heard it on the grapevine

more weird rumours… The sauniere mystery in renne-le-chateau (google it) is linked to an ascension! At least thats what my pal said. He was found dead a few days later […]

ervae |

Hideous Serpent’s Egg

A painful but powerful ritual, and a fiendish trap. Ritual Components: This ritual only works if the person who taught it to you is still alive. Place an ordinary metal […]

TedPro |


Sin deeply, then bathe your sins away. The act of bathing carries a clear symbology: by washing the body, you wash the soul. You know this purity intimately. In this […]

TedPro |

Fugue Booze

For the ultimate drink-driving, how-the-hell-did-I-get-here experience Fugue Booze (2 significant charges) This recipe was formulated in Zhou dynasty China, or so its current users claim. The story goes that it […]

Qualia |


Stare at things long enough, you can grow an extra eye. This is a first time for me. And i’m kinda new to the game, so if I dont get […]

Asiatic |

Mr. Domino

Playing dominoes with the universe. Ever thought about playing with dominoeS? You put them in a line , hit the first one, and the whole line collapses.Who cares? It’s just […]

Hatchet |