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The Passive-Aggressive

Some of the most dangerous people out there wouldn’t hurt a fly…. Sometimes armed resistance will only get you crushed. Someone has all the bases covered and all the exits […]

privateI |

Rain of Meat

A ritual “decoded” by an Infomancer from the nutritional information on a cereal box… or so they say. Cost: 2 Significant Charges Ritual Action: Construct a wooden bow from a […]

Unknown_VariableX |

The Exerceomancer

Your body is a temple, And you are the priest, And you are the god. Nickname: Body-Builders Your body is a work of art, a finely-tuned machine. Every muscle and […]

Engelous & Mooshified |

Plutomancers and Cliomancers Unite

Two Schools copping Major Charges off of each other Seems that if Cliomancers supply the Plutomancers with a major charge, they’ll get one in return. Tourists ‘around the moon by […]

Reverend Zombie |

A List of Sample Clockworks

For the Mechanomancer on the go. Those who have played Thief 2: The Metal Age will recognize some of these machines. This is because those machines are so creepy — […]

Unknown_VariableX |

A Dipsomancy (major?) charge for the taking

Last existing bottle of whiskey from a famous distillery on sale now. Found this through yahoo news. Copied below plus link to the original. DUBLIN (Reuters) – A rare […]

PhilosopherKnave |

Paleolithic XXXX!

Major charge for Pornomancers? A possible major charge for Pornomancers not explicitly tied to the Naked Godess? Or perhaps for more carnally inclined Amoromancers? Definitely a serious artifact, nonetheless…

comradepointdexter |

The Jar of Mythos

Things Man Was Not Meant to Know, In A Jar This label-less coffee can is bashed and dented, and symbols that defy understanding have been etched into its tin surface […]

Morris |


It’s tough bringing logic to Post-Modern Occultism. Some guys get a charge off it though. We’ve all seen the ads reading “Math is Power. Demand it.” Some people take this […]

privateI |

Spring-Heeled Jake

This is your superhero on drugs. In Victorian England around 1830, a colorful character began harrassing the populace in general and women in particular. Descriptions of him varied — according […]

Unknown_VariableX |