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Drug withdrawal as a magic path Nickname: shakers Your body is a furnace. Your brain is a constant warzone with your mind. You take drugs – a lot of them. […]

TedPro |

The Girl With Magic Toes

Step lively, now… Look, my sources are 100% clear on this. We’ve got the motherload. The big one. Okay, so you’re lookin’ to get the biggest juice-up imaginable, right? Apparently […]

KriegsaffeNo9 |

Joe Gumm’s knucklebones

Necromancy for fun and profit! Town disappears! President stunned Hogbelly, Nevada; U.S. Army officers are baffled by the discovery of a completely uninhabited town in southern Nevada. According to preliminary […]

MisterRaziel |

Link: Mechanomancer Concepts

Mechanomancer Concepts: The illustrations of concepts that i am comeing up with while playing the game with my friends. the concepts right now are low tech, because I’m […]

cormac |

The Fixer

When the chips are down, help can come from surprising places. Attributes: Some people never lose their cool when it really counts. They personify what Hemingway described as grace under […]

privateI |


“Overnight, I became a sun worshiper. Well, not overnight, you can’t see the sun at night. The next morning…” -George Carlin Nicknames: Sunbathers, Stargazers Most people know that the sun […]

Unknown_VariableX |


Yeah, they kill puppies for Satan Well, listen. You know that piece of shit guy, always muttering to himself, looking funny at people and generally acting (and smelling) not too […]

the nihohit |

The Cleaner

Inspired to balance out an excellent submission from Tedpro Nothing is worse than just leaving a mess unattended. It grates on you. Makes you wash your hands like Lady Macbeth […]

privateI |


The power of dirt and filth is in your hands. Nickname: pigpens Cleanliness is a lie. It’s unnatural. Dirt is freedom. Dirt is nature. Dirt is acceptance. You are one […]

TedPro |

Postmodern Magic

Note the lack of a “k” I really don’t know what to think about this. Postmodern Magic – for real! I can only assume that UA is finally supplanting reality. […]

Famulimus |