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The Heir

The symbolic significance of the eldest son. Attributes: The Heir embodies the notion of inheritance, that which one day shall come to pass rather than what is presently. As such […]

Tobermory |

There can be only one… uhm… chef.

I have no insights to offer beyond this being related to a Thanatomancy effect of some sort. Chef dies in sword attack From correspondents in Paris May 16, 2005 From: […]

Mr Unlucky |

The Man of Iron Will

The impossible can be accomplished through strength of will alone. Description: The Man of Iron Will is the epitome of humanity’s desire to bend its surroundings to its will. As […]

CS |

Energy drinks

There is no such thing as Guarana. There’s no such thing as guarana. The buzz you get from drinking those so called ‘energy drinks’ is what’s sucked from the soul […]

Human skinners

A couple of fall-guys for a weird Epideromancer adept out looking for charges? DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) – Tanzanian police arrested two men accused of killing a 9-year-old boy […]

Garett |

The Mortician

A Butcher on a Mission from God. Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who teaches my hands to wage war, and my fingers to do battle. -Psalms 144:1 Every now […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Werewolves, anyone?

Romulus, Remus, and now Angel… Check this story out of Africa and tell me if you don’t immediately think “Gee, i wonder who the mother really is?” Werewolves, i tell […]

Dionysean |

More rumours

Rumours, lies and speculation. Admit it – you love these things. If you deposit six hundred and sixty six dollars at an automatic teller at one minute past midnight, the […]

Qualia |

Bucket of Truth

The horrible Truth in a handy-dandy container… Power: Major Effect: Looking directly in the bucket reveals the Truth… This can be used to discover a particular fact, but it always […]

Menzoa |