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Coffe pot of the damned!

A mundane way to communicate with those Beyond or maybe not Of note is the ‘cuddly demon’ called Damien. Though what the signicance of the lizard is, is anybodies […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |


Chance’ll be a fine thing… All the self help books go on and on about positive thoughts, be optimistic they say. So you hype yourself up, only to get your […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |


Two entropomantic rumors and one that’s, well, kind of random. A rather combative entropomancer is working on perfecting a formula he calls “Tehran Wedding”. He thinks real hard about someone […]

Person404 |

The Parking Lot is Full

That’s not funny… but is it supposed to be? Whoever wrote this knows more about what’s going on than you do. A lot more.

The McK |

XXVIII Olympiad

Dermott Arkane planning a Summer vacation in Greece? You all know Dermott Arkane, right? You’ve hear about his plan to Ascend as the new, improved Messenger? But what do you […]

DS |

Probably just a rumor…

Removing the soul from a living being is easy… There is a cabal of powerful mages, well-nigh Godwalker level with a serious beef with the sleepers. Don’t ask where I […]

MisterMandible |

Occult Underground Goes Public Okay, who wants to place a bet on how long it is before the Sleepers go lay the smack down on these guys, just in case? I’m offering 5-1 […]

InfinityWpi |

The True Slave

Lose yourself in servitude… Attributes: There is a point in enslavement when resistance stops, when the victim breaks and gives over to the work. This is not a moment of […]

Menzoa |

Face the Fax

An aspiring Plutomancer turns a nuisance into a threat. That’s the theory, at least. Word is that there’s a Plutomancer at a major NYC brokerage firm who owns a fax […]

Person404 |