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The forgotten mail box of fate

There’s a mail box somewhere in the city which can solve your direst poblems. Which city? That depends on who you ask. There may even be more than one, who […]

Robin |

e-Clash of Shopaholics

The battle to be the Godwalker of the Impulse Shopper is played out on eBay… ————– Who knows how they can tell what to bid on, but it happens: two […]

Menzoa |


Cliomancer dream? Don’t think so! Philadelphia is where this nation was created. The town pratically hums with history. Start at Independence Hall and walk one block to the Liberty Bell. […]

John |

High Weirdness in my local paper?

Strange things show up in the most familiar places. The Mosman Park and Cottesloe Post. My local paper. Nothing strange about that. A weekly rag that prints stories about local […]

David K. Tormsen |

The Perfect People

On the magazines, in the articles in the paper, on the news … they’re everywhere. Everyone knows someone who is perfect. It’s one of those weird things. “She is so […]

Alcar |


Why are these people after me? I’m normal. You know. Got a job. Two ex-wives. Do a lot of touring. Now I’ve got all these wierdo’s after me. I mean, […]

DanteCorwyn |

Fight Club

Sleepers and TNI missed something I just got around to watching Fight Club, man. Crazy. The makers of that flim, they have to be in on the know. Jack in […]

zalliragy |

The House has a Room of Fame

Ever wonder how people become Stars? It’s a room, I swear it. It makes itself up as a studio, or a practice salle, or a library or what-not, and some […]

Menzoa |


Playing chicken with the Sleepers Entropomancy works like this. Take a risk, get some mojo. Walking up to a street gang and mouthing off works perfectly fine. It doesn’t matter […]

Petohtolrayn |

To Go: The Official Announcement

TO GO by Greg Stolze OVER SIX BILLION SERVED For a decade, the occult conspiracy known as Mak Attax has been infusing America with magickal power, one super-size fast-food meal […]

John Tynes |