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The Hippie

Turn on, tune in, drop out. “I just saw a double rainbow!” The Hippie has rejected the 9-5 values that strangle most of America. He categorically rejects corporate America, instead […]

moonbeam |

The Slut

The spark from bounteous sensuality colliding with discriminating comradeship. Attributes: The Slut is easy. Easy to get a long with. Easy to please. Easy to trust. And easy to be […]

Cazady |

Looking for submissions

Protodimension magazine seeks material Greetings once again! Protodimension magazine is looking for submissions. If you have anything in the horror & conspiracy gaming genre that you would might like us […]

Lee Williams |

Protodimension Issue 6 now available

Fall issue available Yes indeed! Protodimension Magazine Fall Issue is now available for download from the usual place: This time around we have a modern-era Call of Cthulhu adventure […]

Lee Williams |

Avatar: The Hipster

He who is too cool Avatar: The Hipster “I knew about them BEFORE they went underground. Now YOU know about them.” Attributes: The hipster is the one who is too […]

The Artificial Fool |

Velvet Chill

Miroslaw Balka’s black hole at Tate Modern is terrifying, awe-inspiring and throught-provoking. It embraces you with a velvet chill. The latest commission in The Unilever Series How It Is by […]

Faethor |

Bimbo mind control

Wisdom from the mouth of Babes? While perusing that esteemed UK gutter tabloid “The Sun” and glancing furtively at the page three stunner I happened to read the models comments. […]

Faethor |


The daily grind is for slackers… AKA BusyBodies, Salarymen, Stiffs, some folks who know a lot about Platonism or Gnosticism call these guys “Private Workers”, to the confusion of pretty […]

pheeed |

The Working Group on Satellite Astrology

Satellites are stars. And we’re using them to set your horoscope. On October 4th, 1957, astrology stopped working. That was the day that Sputnik launched. Suddenly, a new star was […]

MCLowell |