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Amoromancer Blues

A “blues song”, at least a lyrics, for the Amoromancers. a “ua music” i wrote (at least the lyrics), for a image. I ended up really liking the music, wich […]

Haroudo Xavier |

Editable Form PDF Character Sheet

A PDF Character Sheet with editable form fields (complete two pages). Requires Adobe Acrobat to save. Download from As noted above, the complete version of Adobe Acrobat (not just […]

ParadoxDruid |

Unknown Armies Campaign: Just A Game

Campaign Log and other info Unknown Armies Campaign Log Unknown Armies Campaign Log Addmittedly parts are in German. Most stuff is in English. There are NPCs, Stories and the huge […]

Yashima |

Elizabeth Smart

The Invisible Clergy a-lmost- grew by one. It’s all part of a power struggle in the Occult Underground. See… her father turned his daughter into a proxy, and arranged to […]

InfinityWpi |

Vatican Loses Keys To Heaven?

The left hand of a statue of St. Peter goes missing from Vatican City, along with the keys to heaven held within. Who took it, and why? From a Reuters […]

GrimJim |


A yuppie self-motivation cult with knives. EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT AND MOTIVATION TRAINING RESORT Patrick Scholl is a successful business motivational speaker and his San Diego based resort, EMAM, is the secret […]

Insect King |

The Guede

Become a member of the most infamous voudon family of them all. GUEDE: The Mercenary Shaman (also known as the Necromancer) Attributes: Not one quite knows when it happened in […]

Insect King |

Powa boyz

It is a New York cabal with the most street cred. Powa Boyz A small East Coast inner city black gang, a splinter of the Bloods, was doomed to be […]

Insect King |