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Smoking Jacket

Sit down. Relax. Light up. The Smoking Jacket appears to be exactly what it sounds like, the kind of smoking jacket that you’d find a university professor wearing in a […]

InfinityWpi |

The Next UA Book . . .

. . . is Break. Today. by Greg Stolze with Chad Underkoffler. It’s the Mak Attax sourcebook, with new characters, artifacts, magic schools, plot seeds, and more. We’re working on […]

John Tynes |

Rorschach Ink Blots

You thought they were just ink… … Those plates with ink smeared on them were just shown to crazy people right… One teenager stumbled upon some of Rorschach’s ink blot […]

Jasperzig |

Philosophy: UA Style

Lecture notes for Philosophy 308x: Metaphysics for the Millenium Lecture notes for Philosophy 308x: Metaphysics for the Millenium Good stuff. It covers Synchronicity, probability, reincarnation, and archetypes – all in […]

BrandRobins |

Jake Norton, Burned-Out Sterno

The pursuit of power burns even those used to playing with fire. Being a Sterno is tough sometimes. Especially if your attachment to your own personal posessions makes you a […]

InfinityWpi |

The Wrestler

Man, has this one changed since ancient Greece… Attributes: The Wrestler is different from the Warrior and the Masterless Man in that he seeks two things: To prove himself better […]

InfinityWpi |

The Mordax

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no better options than to wait for them to get you? Want to take them down with you? This is what to do. Invoke […]

Simon Foston |

Parasite Ward

Anyone who passes through a warded doorway is attacked by an astral parasite. Cost: six minor charges Begin with a horseshoe thrown by a horse as it trampled a three-legged […]

jeffwik |

Cancer Sticks

They always said second-hand smoke was deadly… Exactly who created the Cancer Sticks is unknown. One rumor points to an anti-smoking zealot; another suggests it was actually a clued-in tobacco […]

InfinityWpi |


These guys really don’t believe in magic. Vacuumancer ‘Empty mages’ or black holes are an adept’s worst nightmare. They do not believe in magic, so much that they keep it […]

Aaron Harmon |