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The Shaman

Walker between the world of the living and the dead The Shaman “… the Shaman character was the one specialist, the earliest professional… the person everyone could turn to who […]

MikesMind |


The DJ’s at those Raving Dance Parties are doing more than just taking the kids on a journey….. The Rave Scene has finally attracted the attention of the OU, who […]

Wiretrippa |

The Storm Born

Beware of men that offer you umbrellas in the rain. The Storm Born Have you ever looked at a storm and marvelled at its power? Have you ever seen lightning […]

Atomic Fae |

Through the Altar of Coke

As told by Steve McMannon in the Hallowed Ground bar, Pine Vault, England. “So, you know what I hear? Bad buzz. London. There’s a coke machine outside Paddington underground and […]

Atomic Fae |

Tower Power

Building significant clockworks from the 9/11 wreckage. After 9/11, Ground Zero became a Mecca for dukes and terror-tourists alike. Some say that the Sleepers sapped the site dry before the […]

Menzoa |

Lesser Blessing of the Sun

Take on some of the sun’s might for a season. Power: Minor Cost: 4 Minor Charges Effect: You gain 5 more Body points and get a +10% shift to any […]

The Tim |

Science Delves into the Statosphere

The IC leaves tracks, and someone is following the trail. Some science guy named Rupert Sheldrake of all things is onto archetypes of the mass consciousness. He’s been putting the […]

Menzoa |

The Escapist

It’s freedom, baby. Yeah! Attributes: This is the archetype of every person who has ever wanted to be free of government oppression, peer pressure, chemical addiction, a shameful past… anything […]

Dan Bayn |

The phonebooth to hell

A phonebooth that allows you to call dead people. The street running along the west side of St James Cemetary is rather innocuous. It has some some drugstores, one bookshop, […]

antoine |

WTC Dust

Universal blast carrier. It turns out that the toxic cloud of WTC dust is unusually empowered to store blasts. Any school can use it. It only takes a half ounce […]

Menzoa |