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Lonely, Scared Duke Where to begin on Max? Why not on what pulled him into the underground, thats a good a place as any right? So here goes. Max used […]


Mind-eating parasites. Points 50 Body: 0 Speed: 0 Mind: 10-50 Soul: 10-50 In their larval form, these highly unpleasant astral entities resemble small white wasps with human skulls for heads […]

Simon Foston |

Alternate Dipsomancy Charge rules

An alternative to the “famous vessel” approach. The focus of dipsomancy is on inebriation, sacrificing control, getting shitfaced. With regard to this fundamental obsession of the school, the rules for […]

M. Norwood |

Bitterreign dot Com

Dedicated to Dark Gaming and News A growing Community dedicated to the dark aesthetic in roleplaying, to those that play and the emerging independant role playing scene. Open discussion is […]

Tyrant |


They’re here. They know who you are and what you do and they want to change that. Ever have a feeling of deja vu? You walk into a place you […]

Tim Bisaillon |

The Bone Factory

Clockworkers and Fleshworkers playing God In the early nineteen hundreds a Mechanomancer became increasingly frustrated with the limitations of his art. Whilst he could make increasingly complex imitations of life, […]

Atomic Fae |

Welcome to the official UA site!

Greetings obsessive freakjobs! We’ve been working on this site for a few weeks now and are pleased it’s finally open for everyone. There’s already a lot of content here, so […]

John Tynes |

Deadful Things

This a quick and dirty resource for fleshed-out undead without the typical undead cheesiness. each type comes with a sample GMC. It is aimed as a resource. I posted this […]

Insect King |