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The Snickerty-Snackerty Man

Want to forget? Here’s someone who can help. Here comes the Snickety-Snackerty Man. His services are whispered of in the Occult Underground, half as threat, half as promise. For the […]

jfs |

The Legacy of the True Captain

Diving for Juice… A long time ago, way back before the States were called “the colonies,” some Sea Captain went down with his ship and stole the spotlight from the […]

Menzoa |

Phineas Gage’s Tamping Iron.

An artifact that was charged accidently by being driven through the head of a man who has been the subject of neuro-scientific study for years. On 13-September-1848 near Cavandish VA […]

Mr. Zero |

Cameras that really steal your soul

The old tales of cameras stealing your souls is correct. At least with the right cameras…. The old tales of natives thinking that thier souls were stolen buy having thier […]

PeterAmthor |

Montezuma’s Revenge…

…will take the form of a reverse suplex Montezuma is alive and well, somehow. Head down to Mexico city and you’ll find him receiving the love and adoration of his […]

Daniel Solis |

The Angel of Death

A mysterious serial killer is visiting hospitals the world over, painlessly ending the lives of the terminally ill. The story is always the same, regardless from where in the world […]

Robin |

The Emphysemamancer

The magick of heavy smoking. They were coming for him. He could smell them, out there in the darkness. His lungs burned as he ran through the concrete warren of […]

Gar |

The Glutomancer

Fat Magick. Do I look fat in this? It’s all about food. Evolution is just getting better at getting stuff to eat, and not being stuff to eat. Every living […]

Gar |

The Usurper

The Thief of Power The Usurper By Gareth Hanrahan (with thanks to Ian Young) Attributes: The Usurper is the traitor in the ranks, the friend who stabs you in […]

Gar |

The Hand of Tomorrow

A street gang that thinks it has a glipse of the future. The Hand of Tomorrow used to be a normal street gang, going by the name of The Freaks. […]

Nick Wedig |