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The Clown Is Down

Concerned citizens or occult power players? Corporate Accountability International wants the Golden Arches to retire their famous spokesclown.

Doktor Anon |

Ye Olde 333 Weirdnesse

Number 333 symbolism in real life • In one of messages of the Virgin Mary given to Don Stefano Gobbi, of the Marian Movement of Priests, we can read: “333 […]

Allistorum |

Discordia’s Assorted Artifacts

A small collection of handy, everyday artifacts to make your day a little more interesting. Created by a duke who, for some reason, goes by the name Darc Discordia, Discordia’s […]

Darc Discordia |

Capitol G

What’s that letter mean, anymore? The classic Masonic icon is the square and compass, with a letter G in the center. It stands for God, or Geometry, or Gatorade. There […]

stange_person |

The OuterSpace

The Way Space Should Have Been…..With Air And Whales The Way Space Should Have Been…..With Air And Whales An otherspace Entry: Put on a helmet with a face visor(you could […]

fhtagn |

Vending Heaven

But what to ask for? You were just staring at the vending machine trying in vain to find that one thing you really wanted but it was not to be […]

fhtagn |

My Way Killings

Karaoke too deadly to be mundane Makes me think of “DUI- Driving While Infatuated” from Break Today. Looks like not all magickal effects pumped into songs are benevolent…

dangerousdame |